• Classy Hippie Tea Co. (map)
  • 3226 Broadway, Ste. A
  • Sacramento, CA 95817
  • United States

Calling all people interested in exploring & enriching your sexual intimacy!

Do you like sex? Do you like making art? Do you want to help a graduate student?

Join art therapy student Courtney Kim Grant as we explore the relationship between sexual satisfaction, communication, and art therapy.

We’ll be getting our hands dirty, playing with clay, answering a couple of questions, and having an all-around great time.

The fun doesn’t stop there! You’ll be given a bag of clay to take home. Go play in the privacy of your own space! I’ll hit you up later to see how it went.

In exchange for your participation and upon completing the follow up questionnaire, Courtney will have your clay pieces fired and ready to display.

Bring yourself! Bring your bae(s)! Happily welcoming partnered, un-partnered, and multiple partnered participants.

The fine print:

As mentioned, Courtney is a graduate student working on her Master’s in Art Therapy. She's curiously asking the question, “how does (co-) creating sculpture effect sexual communication in relationship to sexual satisfaction?”. She needs YOUR help to answer it though! ^.^


Join Sex Positive Sacramento and Classy Hippie Tea Co. for our monthly series of discussion group mixers.Each second Saturday afternoon, we present a theme, discuss a topic, and enjoy delicious and healthy tea, hand blended by tea sommelier Leo Hickman.Tea, discussion, and creative juices flow freely, so join us - and mark your calendar for Second Saturday afternoons. Sex PositiviTea is ALWAYS a free, consent-centric, safer, and sex positive space! 💗

Check back here or follow us on social media (Facebook, MeetUp, Instagram, and Twitter) for updated information on monthly topics!