This month, we’re discussing the connection between mental health and sexuality.

Side effects of medication. Moods and emotions. Relationship stuff. Working through trauma with BDSM. And much, much more! Conversation facilitated by Heather Woodford, LCSW.


Sex PositiviTea is a monthly series of discussion group mixers. Each second Saturday afternoon, 3-5 pm, we present a topic for discussion. Sex PositiviTea is ALWAYS a free, consent-centric, safer, and sex positive space! 💗

During quarantine, we are meeting via Zoom. Find us here:

You can also connect with sex geeks and keep the conversation going between mixers on our Sex PositiviTea Discussion Facebook:

Our name, Sex PositiviTea, was inspired by Classy Hippie Tea, which was our original meeting space. Although we are currently meeting online, we still encourage you to check out Classy Hippie online:

Check back here, and follow us on social media (Facebook, MeetUp, Instagram, and Twitter), for updated information on monthly topics.

And mark your calendar for Second Saturday afternoons!

#Sacramento #networking #mixer #sac #MeetUp #sactown #shoplocal #sexuality #SexPositiviTea #sexpositive #sexpositiveSacramento #sexpositivity #tea #classyhippie #classyhippietea #classyhippieteaco #nerdy #geeky #nerd #sexgeek #sexnerd #geek #consent #thatshowconsentworks #consentculture