Dating & Disability: Sex PositiviTea July 2020 Zoom Mixer

This month, our topic is dating and disability. The format is a discussion circle.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID:  969 1778 4327

The discussion will be semi-structured, with some prompts and questions from facilitators, but mostly a free-flowing conversation. Participants are invited to explore experiences of dating and disability from a personal and social perspective.

While anyone is welcome to attend, this is an explicitly anti-ableist safe space (for more on this, check out this link). Facilitators will define ableism and anti-ableism, and we will hold as safe a space as possible. People with disabilities will be given priority in sharing their experiences.

Some additional resources will be shared. Please feel free to bring books and other resources on dating, sexuality and disability to share about, show-and-tell style!

Co-facilitated by Tiffany Poland, Debbie Bruffett and Heather Woodford, LCSW.

Join Sex Positive Sacramento on Zoom for our monthly series of monthly discussion group mixers.

Each second Saturday afternoon, we present an activity or discussion topic related to sexuality.

Sex PositiviTea is ALWAYS a free, consent-centric, safer, and sex positive space! 💗

When it's safe to do so, we'll be resuming our meet-ups in person at Classy Hippie Tea. Stay tuned!


Check back here, follow us on other social media (Facebook, MeetUp, Instagram, and Twitter), or find us at for updated information on monthly topics!

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