When is the last time you encountered a positive, honest, complex representation of people with disabilities as sexual beings?
This month, Sex Positive Sacramento is hosting an online viewing party and discussion of Crip Camp - a phenomenal documentary that centers the experiences of folks with disabilities - and tells the story of the Disabilities Rights Movement.
3:00 - 4:45 pm: Watch Crip Camp on Netflix via TeleParty* (MORE BELOW) or on your own.
4:45 - 6:00 pm: Lively discussion hosted by Debbie Bruffet, MA candidate, on the film and its portrayal of sexuality and people with disabilities.
Crip Camp is the story of one group of people and captures one moment in time. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of other equally important stories from the Disabilities Rights Movement that have not yet received adequate attention. We are committed to using the film's platform to amplify additional narratives in the disability rights and disability justice communities- with a particular emphasis on stories surrounding people of color and other intersectionally marginalized communities.
The film will be used to build an understanding of disability rights and justice, foster safe conversation and healthy discussions. We can all relate to elements in the film, whether it's the thrill of an approaching summer, or to an coming-of-age story. So, get your popcorn and snacks ready as we embark on our own virtual Crip Camp viewing party.
TeleParty is a Chrome browser extension that allows people to live stream movies & shows together, and chat sychronously. To use TeleParty, you need:
1. A Netflix account.
2. A desktop computer
3. Chrome browser
To download Chrome, visit: https://www.google.com/chrome/
To add TeleParty extension to your Chrome browser, visit: https://www.netflixparty.com/
If you aren't able to use TeleParty - no worries! Just watch on your own via Netflix, and we'll see you on Zoom to discuss! ^_^
The host (us!) will share the link to the TeleParty HERE so you can join in to watch & chat live with us at 2:45 pm.
After the Teleparty, Zoooom on over to discuss with us at: https://csus.zoom.us/j/99067295637
Sex PositiviTea is a monthly series of discussion group mixers. Each second Saturday afternoon, 3-5 pm, we present a topic for discussion. Sex PositiviTea is ALWAYS a free, consent-centric, safer, and sex positive space! 💗
During quarantine, we are meeting via Zoom. Find us here: https://csus.zoom.us/j/99067295637.
You can also connect with sex geeks and keep the conversation going between mixers on our Sex PositiviTea Discussion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1251509661865419
Our name, Sex PositiviTea, was inspired by Classy Hippie Tea, which was our original meeting space. Although we are currently meeting online, we still encourage you to check out Classy Hippie online:
Check back here, and follow us on social media (Facebook, MeetUp, Instagram, and Twitter), for updated information on monthly topics.
And mark your calendar for Second Saturday afternoons!
#Sacramento #networking #mixer #sac #MeetUp #sactown #shoplocal #sexuality #SexPositiviTea #sexpositive #sexpositiveSacramento #sexpositivity #tea #classyhippie #classyhippietea #classyhippieteaco #nerdy #geeky #nerd #sexgeek #sexnerd #geek #consent #thatshowconsentworks #consentculture